Thursday, October 31, 2019

American post civil war (1861 - 1865)poet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American post civil war (1861 - 1865)poet - Essay Example on the market in the fifties rather than to, say, Equanil or Valium, gains ominous proportions when put in the perspective of a canvas which makes Lowell see the sun as a feared savage and the white magnolia blossoms as "murderous". True the metaphors are localised and the "rising sun" is symptomatic of the jaundiced imagination of the poet who fears passion and vitality, very much like an Indian savage in "war paint" who "dyes us red.† But what is more important than the intensifying death-in-life existence of the couple as explained by the pun on "dyes", is the association of this feeling of death with the word Miltown in the beginning of the poem. It is now that the word Miltown no longer remains a torment, but goes onto metonymically suggest such terms as Mill town, mill stone, and small town. It becomes an emblem of the space of doubt, of frustration, of angst that loomed large over the American population at a time when the first effects of a looming Cold War was being fe lt. The poets state of anxiety is thus immediately seen as true representation of a larger American dilemma, of a crisis that occurs in Small Town or Any Town in the United States. The image of neurotic fracture is intensified in the second half of the line and the dislocation of humankind is aptly shown in the image of the nuptial bed that has been replaced by "Mothers bed". Lowell seems to imply that this voice of degeneration, of aridity, of being a dislocated whole, is so alike the husband and wife, locked in a social charter called marriage and continuing to feel consummated, exhausted and dead in the relationship. He feels that these shadow lines can only grow larger until of course the marriage falls apart. In a way, the poem, trying to show the failure of the relationship, is an attempt to question the so-called Christian idea of family and happiness. It seems to make a mockery of the Christian values in a world where Miltown, the tranquilliser rules, and a space where, Miltown the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gay Men Born Gay Essay Example for Free

Gay Men Born Gay Essay Gay men often claim that even as children they knew they were somehow different from other boys. Many say that sense even preceded puberty. And yet, though researchers have tried for decades to identify a biological basis for homosexuality which seems to be present in all human societies they have mostly come up dry. Tantalizing clues have surfaced: gays are more likely to be left-handed, for instance. But in the end, there has been little proof that biology is sexual destiny. Now new research offers evidence that there may indeed be a physiological basis for sexual orientation. In a study of 41 brains taken from people who died before age 60, Simon LeVay, a biologist at San Diegos Salk Institute for Biological Studies, found that one tiny region in the brain of homosexual men was more like that in women than that in heterosexual men. Sexuality is an important part of who we are, notes LeVay, who is gay. And now we have a specific part of the brain to look at and to study. That specific part is found at the front of the hypothalamus in an area of the brain that is known to help regulate male sexual behavior. Within this site, LeVay looked at four different groupings of cells, technically referred to as the interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus, or INAH for short. Other researchers had already reported that INAH 2 and 3 were larger in men than in women. LeVay hypothesized that one or both of them might vary with sexual orientation as well. Routine autopsies provided the tissue LeVay needed. All 19 homosexual men had died of AIDS. So had six of the 16 presumed heterosexual men and one of the six women. Although LeVay hoped to include lesbians in his study, he was unable to obtain brains from women identified as such. After careful examination of the brain samples, he found that the INAH-3 areas of most of the women and homosexual men were about the same size. In straight men this region was on average twice as large or about the size of a grain of sand. In the past, much research on sexual orientation has focused on the role of interpersonal relationships in early childhood. Psychological literature is replete with material suggesting that male homosexuality is triggered by relationships with an overly protective mother or with a distant, even hostile father. Here is a whole other way of looking at the question, says LeVay. These children may already be determined to become homosexual or heterosexual. The development plan that is laid out for them may be what causes them to develop certain troubled relationships with their parents. LeVays findings are certain to trigger a good deal of controversy. Many technical aspects of the study are subject to question, as the author concedes. He cannot be certain, for instance, that all the heterosexual men in the control group were heterosexual. And since the AIDS virus attacks the brain, the size difference could be an artifact of the disease. It is also possible that the difference actually has nothing to do with sexual orientation or that it is the result rather than the cause of homosexuality. (2 of 3) My freshman biology students know enough to sink this study, declares Anne Fausto-Sterling, professor of medical science at Brown University. Others are more receptive to LeVays work. It makes sense, says Laura Allen, a neuroanatomist at the University of California, Los Angeles. Finding a difference in the INAH, which influences male sexual behavior, is what one would expect. The finding also has social implications. People who believe that sexual orientation is a choice help legitimize discrimination against homosexuals, says Melissa Hines, a UCLA psychologist. But if it is immutable, or partly so, then that argues for legal protections. The new study is the second to find some sort of difference between the hypothalami of gay and straight men. Last year a Dutch research team discovered that another group of neurons in this tiny gland is larger in homosexual than in straight men. But some scientists believe this structure governs daily rhythms rather than sexual behavior, so it is difficult to see any significance in the finding. Investigations of right- and left-handedness have also provided evidence of a physiological distinction. Sandra Witelson, a professor of psychiatry at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont. , has found more left-handers among homosexual women in her studies than among heterosexual women. Others have made the same observation among men. Since hand preference may be determined in part by the influence of sex hormones on the brain during gestation, Witelson believes these early hormonal influences could also play a role in sexual orientation. Animal studies provide a good deal of evidence for a biological basis of sexual orientation. Through careful manipulation of hormone levels in newborn rats, Roger Gorski, a neuroendocrinologist at UCLA, has been able to produce male rodents that demonstrate feminine behavior. Other researchers, working with mice, have noted that female fetuses that develop between two male fetuses in a litter appear to be masculinized to some degree by their brothers testosterone. They look more like males than females, mature more slowly, have fewer reproductive cycles as adults and are less attractive to male mice. In many species, particularly among mammals, homosexual-like activity is an integral part of social interaction. As any cattle rancher can attest, cows frequently mount each other. Apparently this ensures that all the females coordinate their reproductive cycles and then produce their calves at the same time. Female rhesus monkeys mount other females as a way of establishing a dominant rank in their troops hierarchy. (3 of 3) Researchers estimate that a third of American males experiment sexually with each other during their teen years, even though approximately 9 out of 10 eventually settle into relationships with girls. But both men and women may switch gears later on or be bisexual throughout life. There are some people in whom sexual orientation does not maintain itself, says June Reinisch, director of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction at Indiana University. Its not a matter of what they prefer; its whom they fall in love with. She cites the example of a woman who fell in love with and was married to a man for 10 years, then at the age of 30 fell in love with a woman and spent 11 years in that relationship, and at 41 fell in love with a man. Clearly, even if sexual orientation does have a biological basis in the brain, it is not necessarily fixed. All of us believe that genetic and hormonal influences are involved in homosexuality, says Reinisch, but theres also an interaction with the environment. Over the years much research on homosexuality has been motivated by a desire to eradicate the behavior rather than understand, let alone celebrate, diversity.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Elderly And Mental Health

The Elderly And Mental Health This assignment will look issues around older peoples mental health, in particular, dementia and abuse; this will include demographics of older people, statistics, the history, definitions and causes of dementia, and finally the lack of legislation to protect vulnerable people from harm and the implications for social work practice. The population surge at the end of world war 2 has gave rise to an unprecedented population explosion and to what we now call the baby boomers, these people are now in their retirement years'(Summers Et al, 2006), and our population now contains larger percentage of older people that ever. In society today elder people are becoming the fastest increasing population in the UK, National Statistics (2009) states that the population of the UK is ageing. Over the last 25 years the percentage of the population aged 65 and over increased from 15 per cent in 1983 to 16 per cent in 2008, an increase of 1.5 million people in this age group. Due to the increase of the ageing population we are now seeing emerging health and social care issues in our society. Many older people will be active, involved within the community, and independent of others. However, as you get older it is natural to experience pain, a decline in mobility or mental awareness. Mind (2010) states that the most common mental health problems in older people are depression and dementia. There is a widespread belief that these problems are a natural part of the ageing process, but this not the case; it can start as early 40 but is more common in older people (Royal college of Psychiatrists, 2009), however, there only 20 per cent of people over 85, and 5 per cent over 65, have dementia; 10-15 per cent of people over 65 have depression (Mind, 2010). It is important to remember that the majority of older people remain in good mental health. Dementia mainly affects older people, although it can affect younger people; there are 15,000 people in the UK under the age of 65 who have dementia (Alzheimers society, 2010). However, currently 700,000 or one person in every 88 in the UK have dementia, incurring a yearly cost of  £17bn, and the London School of Economics and Institute of Psychiatry research calculated that more that 1.7 million people will have dementia b y 2051 reported by BBC news (2007). The word dementia comes from the Latin demens meaning without a mind. References to dementia can be found in Roman medical texts and in the philosophical works of Cicero. The term dementia came into common usage from the 18th Century when it had both clinical and legal connotations. Dementia implied a lack of competence and an inability to manage ones own affairs. Medical use of the term dementia evolved throughout the 19th century and was used to describe people whose mental disabilities were secondary to acquired brain damage, usually degenerative and often associated with old age (Kennard 2006). From the 20th century onwards scientific knowledge was supplemented through the examination of the brain and brain tissue which was founded and performed by a physician Alois Alzheimer (Plontz, 2010). The National service framework (Department of Health, 2001, p96) now defines dementia as a clinical syndrome characterised by a widespread loss of mental function. The term dementia is used to describe the symptoms that occur in a group of diseases that affect the normal working functions of the brain. This can lead to a decline of mental ability, affecting memory, thinking, problem solving, concentration and perception, also problems with speech and understanding (Mind, 2010). Dementia is progressive, which means the symptoms will gradually get worse. How fast dementia progresses will depend on the individual. Each person is unique and will experience dementia in their own way (Alzheimers society, 2010). Symptoms of dementia include: Loss of memory, Mood changes, and Communication problems. In the later stages of dementia, the person affected will have problems carrying out everyday tasks, and will become increasingly dependent on other people, two thirds of people with dementia live in the community while one third live in a care home (Alzheimers society, 2010). There are many types of dementia, and some of the causes of dementia are rarer th an others, Alzheimers disease is the most common cause, damaged tissue builds up in the brain to form deposits called plaques and tangles, these cause the brain cells around them to die (Royal college of Psychiatrists, 2009). Other most commonly known is vascular disease, Dementia with Lewy bodies, Fronto-temporal dementia. Mostly, patients themselves do not present to the clinician with dementia, owing to gradual onset and denial of the problem. There is no cure for dementia but there is medication that will help to slow down the progression of the disease. When finding help for dementia it is usually the primary carers, caregivers, supporters, partners or family members who initiate asking help and a diagnosis (Brodaty, 1990). Depression may be misdiagnosed as dementia the difference being that people who have depression are more likely to be aware of their issues therefore are able to discuss them, whereas someone with dementia may not be able to do this due to their symptoms. Nonetheless, the Mental Capacity Act (2005) states that every person has the right to make their own decisions and must be assumed to have capacity unless otherwise proven and people should be supported to make any decisions. Under the MCA, you are required to make an assessment of capacity before carrying out any care or treatment (Office of the public guardian, 2009). The Mental capacity act is an act that protects individual rights and ensures that the persons liberty is not taken. It is based on best practice and creates a single, coherent framework for dealing with mental capacity issues and an improved system for settling disputes, dealing with personal welfare issues and the property and affairs of people who lack capacity. I t puts the individual who lacks capacity at the heart of decision making and places a strong emphasis on supporting and enabling the individual to make their own decisions (Office of the public guardian, 2009). However, even with a structure in place to protect individuals rights and liberties many people who have dementia are more vulnerable to abuse due to their lack of capacity. The University College London research revealed that a third of carers admitted significant abuse, in total 115 carers reported at least some abusive behaviour, and 74 reported more serious levels of mistreatment (Cooper et al, 2009). Caregivers can also be on the receiving end of verbal or physical abuse directed at them by parents or spouses who are confused and angry over declining mental capacities due to stroke and Alzheimers disease. In some cases, Alzheimers disease or other forms of dementia may cause the patient to be uncharacteristically aggressive (Coyne, 1996). It is only in recent years that abuse of the elderly has become more apparent, Crawford Et al (2008, p122) argues that over time it has very slowly come to the attention of people in the last 50 years that abuse does actually exist behind closed doors; in the 1950s older people lived in large families where issues were hidden, and in the 60s to 70s older people started living alone or in residential homes and it was not until the early 80s that abuse had started to be recognised and defined. Penhale and Kingston(1997) argue that over the years it has been difficult to emphasise the issues of abuse due to not finding a sound theoretical base to which an agreement of a standard definition can be made and applied. Action on elder abuse (2006) defines elder abuse as A single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person. Abuse comes in not just physical abuse it com es also in sexual, psychological, neglect, discrimination and financial as well. Older people may be abused by a wide range of people including family members, friends, professional staff, care workers, volunteers or other service users, abuse can also be perpetrated as a result of deliberate, negligence or ignorance (Royal pharmaceutical society (RCA), 2007). Abuse can occur in a variety of circumstances and places such as, in own home, in a residential or day care setting or hospital and can by more than one person or organisation. Pritchard (2005) asserts that we will never have a true picture of the prevalence of elder abuse due to the unreported cases, and can only count ones that are known to organisations and services. Most abuse is still unreported due to victims being frightened, ashamed and embarrassed to report the abuse, not realising their rights or not being able to due to tier mental health. Summers et al (2006, p7) points out that those statutes that make abuse criminal are often ineffective due to them not being utilised by the victim, and this means that this will be the biggest challenge and barrier for change in getting people to recognise the scale of the problem and raising awareness so that the government agree to change the legislation to protect older people. Abuse of any kind should not be ignored and there should be legislation to protect adults from abuse like there is in child protection, people who recognise the extent of elder abuse argue why should adults be treated as second class to children, is their suffering and deaths any less important? The Alzheimers Society (2010) states that abuse of people with dementia should be considered in the same way as child abuse. Crawford and Walker (2008, p12) state that prejudice refers to an inflexibility of the mind and thought, to values and attitudes that stand in the way of fair and non judgmental practice. Thompson (2006, p13) defines discrimination as the process in which difference is identified and that difference is used as the basis of unfair treatment. A barrier to recognising the abuse of people with dementia and older people is that of social stigma, negative perceptions and connotations of words for mental health, such as confused or senile. Confused is something that we all experience at some time in our lives, whereas senile is a more complex word and the first recording of its usage was neutral meaning pertaining to old age, but now has negative connotations linked to mental decline due to age (Crawford and Walker, 2008). Therefore, challenging peoples perceptions needs to done to change these social constructs to enable a change in legislation and protection of vulnerable adults. In March 2010 the department of health ran a series of campaigns to address poor public understanding of dementia which included TV, radio, press and online advertising featuring real-people with dementia (Department of health, 2009). In 2009 the first ever dementia strategy was launched that hopes to transform the quality of dementia care, It sets out initiatives designed to make the lives of people with dementia, their carers and families better and more fulfilled It will increase awareness of dementia, ensure early diagnosis and intervention and radically improve the quality of care that people with the condition receive. Proposals include the introduction of a dementia specialist into every general hospital and care home and for mental health teams to assess people with dementia (Department of health, 2009). However, this is not legislation it is just a strategy for dealing with people with dementia. The government are recognising that there is little protection for vulnerable adults and that further legislation need to be put in place and stating that dementia care is a priority (BBC news, 2007). At present, there is no one specific legislation which directly protects vulnerable adults, instead the applicable duties and powers to assess and intervene are contained within a range of legislation and frameworks, such as the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Mental Health Act 2007 and the national service framework for older people. One of the themes for national service framework (NSF) is respecting the individual which was triggered by a concern about widespread infringement of dignity and unfair discrimination in older peoples access to care. The NSF therefore leads plans to tackle age discrimination and to ensure that older people are treated with respect, according to their individual needs, specifically in standard 2 it relates to person centred care (Crawford and Walker, 2008, p8). And expectation of NSF is that there must be systems and processes put in place to enable multi agency working. In 2000 the government published No secrets which is guidance that requires local authorities to set up a multi agency framework which includes health and the police with a lead person (adult social care) to carry out procedures into the allegations of abuse whilst balancing confidentiality and information sharing (Samuel, 2008). No Secrets is only guidance and does not carry the same status as legislation, the LAs compliance is assessed through an inspection process, therefore the LA can with good reason choose to ignore the guidance (Action on elder abuse, 2006). This has concerned agencies who want to see the protection of adults given the same equivalent priorities as child protection and think that legislation is the only way to accomplish this. A review of No Secrets guidance has been carried out in 2008 and consulted with over 12000 people (Department of Health, 2009), the report found that over half (68%) of the respondents were in agreement to new safeguarding legislation and 92% wanted local safeguarding boards to be placed on a statutory footing and still there is no legislation to protect vulnerable adults (Ahmed, 2009). A recent article in community care told the failure of the government to commit to making a policy has only strengthened campaigners fight and given rise to criticism (Ahmed, 2009). The need to protect vulnerable people brought about the protection of vulnerable adults scheme (POVA) which is run by the Department of Health to regulate and monitor the employment of staff in the social care workforce, through this scheme a list of people who are unsuitable to work with vulnerable people is kept. More recently, the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 which was launched in 2008 replaced POVA with the Independent Safeguarding Authority (IDeA, 2009). The problem with this is that abusers of dementia sufferers are usually family member or informal carer that are under considerable stress and may not receiving help from within the health and social care system, therefore, an abusive situation can carry on for some time until the situation is found by an outsider. This situation may only be found when a informal carer starts asking for help, and when informed of the situation it is good practice and essential to make sure that carers are getting the help they need which can prevent the abusive situations. Under the 1995 Carers (Recognition and Services) Act carers are entitled their own assessment of need and by doing so this may allow for respite or payments to be made for their services (Parker Et al, 2003). University College London researchers who interviewed people caring for relatives with dementia in their own homes stated within their research that Giving carers access to respite, psychological support and financial security could help end mistreatment (Cooper et al,2009). When working with relatives who are carers it is important to remember who is the service user, although it is important to ascertain the wishes of the relative it should not override the wishes of the service user, this is especially true when there is a break down in the care of the service user and the carer wishes the service user to be placed in care. Many older people with dementia receive care in a residential home; this may be due to family member no longer being able to cope with the care of the person. The local authority has a duty to assess the needs of a person with dementia ensuring that their wishes are heard and adequate care is put in place. Assessment is an ongoing process, in which the client participates, the purpose of which is to understand people in relation to their environment; it is a basis for planning what needs to be done to maintain, improve or bring about change in the person, the environment or both (Anderson Et al, 2005). The trouble with placing people with dementia in care homes is there are not enough care homes specifically for people with dementia and people end up in a home that do not have trained staff to cope with individual needs of someone with dementia, therefore, people s wishes may not be heard. As part of the joint assessment process it is the social workers role to ascertain the wishes of the individual, this is done by assessing their needs in an holistic way which includes and medical and social aspects of the person. If there is doubt as to the mental capacity of the person then a mental capacity assessment will need to be acquired by asking to joint assess with community psychiatric nurses (CPN). Priestley (1998) states that the community care reforms established the principle of joint working between health and social services authorities as a priority for effective care assessment and management with social services taking the lead role. In conclusion there seem to have been many shifts in the direction of how policy and procedures framework and guidance care for people with dementia, although there is still no firm legislation to protect them. However, there seems to be more recognition of the issues that surround dementia and future goals are towards the training of people to understand those issues so that professionals are able to deal with the complex needs of a person with dementia. Word count 2969

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Research Essay -- Article Analysis

Described below is a critical appraisal of a qualitative article by Lisa Booth using the frame-work suggested by Ryan, Coughlan and Cronin 2007 to establish its believability, robustness, credibility and integrity (Ryan, Coughlan & Cronin, 2007). Qualitative research is regarded as an inductive process, which within natural settings attempts to produce insights on the subjective experiences, meanings, practices and point of views of those involved (Craig & Smyth, 2007). The aim here was to investigate factors influencing the communication styles used by the radiographers, therefore, allowing a better understanding to patient-centred care within diagnostic radiography. The title was well formulated and unambiguous, however, why a more precise title of "diagnostic radiographer-patient relationship" was not selected is unclear as the study incorporated diagnostic radiographers only (Dawson, 2002). The article had appropriate citations except the researcher's qualification and designation, which otherwise indicate the degree of knowledge in the field (Ryan et al, 2007). Included was the 'Keyword' section facilitating retrieving of the search by those interested (Hart, 2001). Its publication in a peer-reviewed journal allowed scrutiny from suitable experts, thus making more valid and original. In contrast, to a non peer-reviewed journal where high chances of information being flawed cannot be denied (Holloway & Wheeler, 2002)? Losing the relevance of the information was not a threat as it was published within the optimum time (Hart, 2001). Abstract is a condensed version of the full report; this was well formulated by using headings instead of single paragraph style, thus looked uncluttered (Macnee, 2004). The purpose had c... ...the data did not involve member checking thus reducing its robustness and enable to exclude researcher’s bias. Although a constant comparative method was evident in the discussion which improved the plausibility of the final findings. Themes identified were well corroborated but not declared was anytime a point of theoretical saturation ï‚ ¯Thus, the published report was found to be particularly strong in the area of believability and dependability; less strong in the area of transferability; and is weak in the area of credibility and confirmability, although, editorial limitations can be a barrier in providing a detailed account (Craig & Smyth, 2007; Ryan, Coughlan, & Cronin, 2007). Works Cited Ryan, F., Couglan, M. & Cronin, P. (2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 2: qualitative research. British Journal of Nursing, 16(12), 738-744.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Themes of Modern Terrorism Bakunin’s God and the State

Mohit Mulani Prof. James Gilligan 22/12/12 â€Å"God and the State† The idea of malevolent terrorism is fundamentally rooted in an extremist interpretation of religion enabled and to a great extent encouraged by priests and political figures. To examine this closely with reference to historical situations and ideas, we can apply the notions bought forward by the Russian 19th century philosopher and nihilist Bakunin in his seminal book, â€Å"God and State. †In the book, doctinaires are critiqued quite heavily for their relentless imposition of impractical ideals upon the world. With regards to the, Bakunin states, â€Å"They are so jealous of the glory of their God and of the triumph of their idea that they have no heart left for the liberty or the dignity or even the sufferings of living men, of real men. Divine zeal, preoccupation with the idea, finally dry up the tenderest souls, the most compassionate hearts, the sources of human love. God & the State, 65)† C omparing these 19th century doctinaires with modern day terrorists we see a group of people so completely enthralled by the superiority of their belief systems that they are more than willing to compromise the lives of non-believers to ‘persuade' others. This follows in the line of a traditional process that requires the destruction and absolute overhaul of a current system and its institutions in order for a new one to establish itself and thrive.Referred to in the line, â€Å"Every development necessarily implies a negation,† the idea is the basis of aggressive and violent terrorism globally (God & the State, 9). The September 11th attacks for instance were planned to include bombings of the Pentagon and White House, both symbolic locations representing the centers of Western imperialism and sources of resentment for the jihadis. This is particularly important given how modern day authors, journalists and thinkers have emphasized the peaceful nature of Islam when inte rpreted by its scriptures. Looking at the sheer organization and potency of terrorist rganizations, it seems as though the hyper-violent aspect of this otherwise ‘peaceful' religion must have arisen from an understanding of this dogma. There must prevail the idea that without the destruction of certain reviled Western ideals, their preferred value systems cannot be secured across the world. Another aspect bought up in Bakunin's statement about doctrinaires was the erasure of love and sympathy towards the victims of terrorist acts. The perpetrators here have been blinded by the aggressive, nationalistic rivalry between ideologies towards the pain and suffering of others.In some cases, the real or imagined suffering of their own people, often at the hands of the West is used as a tool to harden their emotional facilities towards demonized groups of people. Several recruitment communications and propaganda display in explicit detail the torture practices, prison camp conditions a nd drone attacks the Western nations have inflicted upon suspected terrorists. This intensifies the unbridled hatred that ultimately fuels the metaphorical terror machine-churning out thousands of graduates armed with suicide vests and destructive ideals that they wish to impose upon the world.An important point here is that the origin of such behaviour isn't singularly caused by hate or resentment; it is rather the amalgamation of several factors including socio-political ones that in their totality create this belligerent section of the world. Bakunin speaks of, â€Å"the whole history of humanity, intellectual and moral, political and social, [being] but a reflection of its economic history (God & the State, 9). † The fiscal nature of countries and their people often have direct consequences on the views and positions adopted by them.The effect of poverty on the terrorist world-view most directly can be two fold. In the first case, people join jihadist factions for direct monetary recompense to themselves or their family; a significant factor in desperately poor nations and villages. An instance of this was seen after the Mumbai train bombings of 2008 in which the prime suspect Ajmal Kassab confessed to expecting approximately US$3,352 after succeeding in his mission. According to police sources, he was unaware of any Islamic tenets or verses from the Quran but had a virulent message to send nonetheless.The other effect of a poor economic state is an increased susceptibility to false priests and their version of religion. Lower socio-economic groups when faced with inconsequential lives resort to belief systems that give them comfort, solace and often a sense of superiority with respect to ideology held. This often translates to more suicide bombers by means of greater anticipation for the afterlife. A fair amount of terrorists that go onto perform suicide missions do so after comparing their current lives with the ones they expect to lead in heaven or jannah.They see poverty, distress, debt and suffering as something they can leave behind to reach a land of fountains, gardens, angels and virgins if they do the right thing. Here is where opportunistic priests and politicians swoop in employing, â€Å"base and criminal means †¦ to keep the nations in perpetual slavery. (God & the State, 11)† These self-proclaimed, â€Å"guardians and the fathers of the people,† clearly do not have their best interests at heart and see them rather as tools by which they can achieve their respective political and religious agendas.A preacher who sermonizes on the value of taking lives, leveling cities and particularly in Iran- the use of nuclear weapons, cannot possibly be representing to the people any interpretation of religious texts. Instead of performing his duties as the spiritual head of a community, he uses incendiary rhetoric to stir people who are repeatedly manipulated by their governments into believing serious propa ganda against Western nations. Bakunin expresses particular outrage at such figures referring to their acts as, â€Å" this crime of treason against humanity committed daily, in broad day, over the whole surface of the civilized world. This is interesting mostly because it alters our perspective on ideas of terrorism and makes us look intensely at what goes into the formation of one. As a global community, we express daily outrage when acts of terror be they car bombings, hijackings, kidnappings and murders occur. Caught up in these, it gets difficult to see the simultaneous crime being carried out throughout large tracts of the Middle East where the populace is systematically denied a real education in lieu of religious madrasas and indoctrination.Though vastly different, we can examine Bakunin's analysis of 19th century education and modern day madrasas. â€Å"Such are the absurd tales that are told and the monstrous doctrines that are taught, in the full light of the nineteenth century, in all the public schools of Europe, at the express command of the government. They call this civilizing the people! Is it not plain that all these governments are systematic poisoners, interested stupefies of the masses? † ( God ; the State, 11) There is quite certainly a reason for the establishment of such schools.We can posit that due to a certain moral vacuum, created by the influx of Western/European morality which itself was a consequence of the Scientific Revolution, there exists a motive to enforce conservative and restrictive moral systems. These motives when taken to their extreme engender resentment towards other forms of thinking and see them as counterproductive or directly hostile to their own. In the case of Islamic theology, the teachings have been co-opted by a small, but active militant and extremist sector.This group opposes in principle all people who do not share their belief systems calling them indicatively; non-believers, infidels and heretic s. Much like how in post war Europe this very moral vacuum was filled with branches of Totalitarianism and Fascism, the radical Middle East has adopted a similarly authoritarian system. This system is firstly authoritarian in the literal sense as most nations like Saudi Arabia have no free press, democratic governments or political parties. Secondly on a more abstract level, its religious tenets when exercised by extremists or the Mutaween are highly prohibitory and insular.An example of this sprung to international attention when in March of 2002, a girl's school in Mecca caught on fire. Members of the Mutaween or the religious police were on hand to prevent improperly dressed girls from leaving the burning building. As school was in session with an entirely female population, for the sake of comfort most girls had seen fit to take of their confining abayas and headdresses. When attempting to escape, According to a civil defense officer, the girls were forced to return by use of fo rce.This is one of many examples of religious confinement and how it is inherently parochial and inhibitory. The masses must indeed be stupefied, as Bakunin says if they consider it God's will that girls burn to death for not being dressed appropriately. Though applicable to a wide range of scenarios, this example gives us insight into the aggressions of terrorist groups. It is clearly not enough that they follow the rigid principles set in the scriptures and interpreted by their mullahs, virtually everyone must do so as well.Some priests go so far as to imply that forcing or â€Å"converting† non-believers to the jihad proffers to them a place in heaven. With this tendency to make the world follow the teachings of Allah, it seems natural that they would resort to the means made popular by tradition and used quite frequently in history for such purposes; violence. Bakunin reprimands this agenda harshly in a letter to S. Nechayev: â€Å"You said that all men should be such, t hat a complete renunciation of self, of all personal wishes, pleasures, feelings affections and ties, should be a normal, natural, everyday condition to everybody without exception.You wished and still with to make your own selfless cruelty, your own truly extreme fanaticism, into a rule of common life. You wish for an absurdity, an impossibility, a total negation of nature, man and society†¦ no society however perfect its discipline and however powerful its organization can conquer nature(On Violence, 9). † This is precisely what the terrorists seem intent on doing, enforcing by means of violence their way of life upon the world. The term ‘nature' is used here to reference the progress and advancement of society, morals and behaviour.The Scientific revolution occurred some 300 years ago and since then we have evolved, developing new systems of morality and using the social sciences to fill in the gaps left by religious dogma. These â€Å"science[s] of the futureâ €  like psychology and sociology are tools we use to fashion a new way of thinking and living(God ; the State, 61). Though they exist popular and normative definitions of good and evil, we have to a great extent outgrown them as new, more ethically complex situations arise and we approach them differently.Observing moral gray areas that we face everyday like bioethics in legislation for instance gives us an idea as to how we have been forced to evolve our moral ideas to keep up with out lifestyles. Though significant, bioethics is representative of a much larger and more pervasive phenomenon due to which we approach virtually all situations differently. For one, we refrain from moralizing a lot of issues that we would have historically used an ethical framework to describe. Our collective moral psychology as a whole has become more imaginative and we have a much larger scope to use morality in out lives.This broad, nonconservative approach has been interpreted as an empty, decade nt and immoral (rather ironically) philosophy that is engendered by liberal Western culture and extends through its rather large sphere of influence. This perceived emptiness or moral vacuum is then filled by priests, zealots and a restrictive culture that is almost reactionary in its principles, formed so diametrically opposed to the ones it aims to eliminate. Bakunin explains to Nechayev that regardless of a particular society's moral system, it is impossible to â€Å"conquer nature† or stop progress.This evolving of moral systems is the progress we've made in a past few centuries and various terrorist movements are largely the backlash experienced as a result of it. The abandonment of traditional value systems is understandably frightening and this very fear has been molded into a consequential, aggressive and parochial movement that uses undiscerning violence to erase centuries of moral advancement and replace it with a very specific, scripture-based morality that is reas suring in its decisiveness.Of note is the attempt made thereafter to brutally enforce this morality upon to world, to ensure that every woman, man and child follows the distinctive set of rules that govern radical Islamic morality. To see how truly regressive such a system is, we can examine the treatment of women in particular. The advance of feminism, especially at the turn of the century, led a revolution of ideas and social norms. The roles previously dictated by a predominantly patriarchal tradition changed and the restrictions placed on women were more or less eliminated.All terrorist groups share a contempt for women's rights and this can be explained by their aversion to change and the reversal of traditional roles. Though this discomfort with feminism also involves an element of insecurity as male roles in these societies are so dependent and inverse to female roles, it cannot possibly by itself cause men to go around in trucks shooting schoolgirls; that requires priestly o r political influence. What the terrorists fail to account is the nature of advancement and how it cannot be prevented from happening by beating people into submission. Everyday there is resistance in the ranks.Malala Yousafzai, an activist from Pakistan was shot on the 9th of October, 2012 while on a school-bus. This sort of advancement is likely to perpetuate itself amidst a large portion of the world and even killing everyone who noticeably advocates it will not prevent its growth. In Somalia, at the age of five, Ayaan Hirsi Ali underwent the torturous procedure of female circumcision (of genital mutilation as it is commonly and aptly called). This was one amongst several regressive traditions of her tribe and yet she emerged from the harshest of circumstances as an adamant feminist and atheist thinker. Man has emancipated himself; he has separated himself from animality and constituted himself a man; he has begun his distinctively human history and development by an act of disob edience and science-that is, by rebellion and by thought. (God & the State, 12)† Herein lies the key to our humanity, the very feature that is being suppressed by terrorists in favour of a more convenient, straightforward and primitive form of thinking. It is inherent in out nature to seek change, to ask questions and to doubt the dogmas we have been handed down.The fact that this leads to a complete social overhaul and the creation of multiple cognitive vacuums does not deter us from repeatedly being skeptical and thinking. The quote mentioned above refers to the Creation story of Genesis which showcases the act of disobedience, questioning of rules and the disastrous results that follow. At the end of it however, as humans we wouldn't have it any other way. Doubting the doctrines we were brought up with reduces the strangle-hold religion has upon out society and the amount of influence clergymen can exert.This is an important motivation for the priests of the Middle East to carry on with their rabble-rousing diatribes. Doing so can maintain the last vestiges of power they have over people who no longer believe in their divine capacity anymore. By diverting attention from the actual tenets of Islam and bringing to the forefront firebrand phrases from other scriptures to spur people on, they engage in self-preservation rather than the progress of the human race. The key to our development has always been in thought and rebellion, by preventing it combatively, the terrorists hold back the world nd regress us to an age before we challenged conventions. In another section of the letter to S. Nechayev, Bakunin refers to what he observes as, â€Å"an enormous lack of critical sense without which it is impossible to evaluate people and situations, and to reconcile means with ends. (On Violence, 9)† These shortcomings of Russian nihilistic revolutionaries are now echoed by Islamic terrorists. Despite their explicable beliefs, what is truly terrifying abo ut them is the raw violence and destruction jihadis seek to force upon the world.Their defensiveness towards tradition and resentment over past wars has been channeled into a form of nondiscriminatory havoc ceases to differentiate between military personnel and innocent citizens. This method is what is somewhat irreconcilable with the, â€Å"ends† it seeks to achieve. Though a destruction of the current system is required for any meaningful change to occur, it does not have to be gruesome and violent. It is however much harder for priests and politicians to spur their populace on towards peaceful goals than it is to make them favour blind violence.Speaking then about how to deal with an opposing civilization, Bakunin stats, â€Å"Societies which are inimical or positively harmful must be dissolved, and finally the government must be destroyed. All this cannot be achieved only by propagating the truth; cunning, diplomacy and deceit are necessary. (On Violence, 34)† Nowh ere in the aforementioned advise does he mention violence as a useful way to achieve success. This is particularly important as there hasn't as of yet been a noticeable conversion to the Islamic cause.Efficacy is a factor that the terrorists seem not to have consider seeking only to assuage their manufactured rage. â€Å"Hate, the negative side alone, does not create anything, does not even create the power necessary for destruction and thus destroys nothing. (On Violence, 29)† When four homegrown terrorists from London attacked the underground system, their primary motive was to avenge their fellow Muslims who had previously suffered as a result of actions undertaken by the Western governments.A large amount of bombings are becoming more about revenge and hatred than actually changing the status quo. This achieves nothing while a great deal is simultaneously sacrificed. Distinct from revenge, another cause for hatred is how the terrorists perceive the world. Bakunin refers t o the source of our progress as, â€Å"Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge. God & the State, 10)† It is fair to assume that they see the West and people such as Malala as Satanic and a corruptive influence. Both of these try to upend traditional thought and how we think about morality. By objecting to blind deference to a book or set of purportedly divine rules, democracies seek to alter people's moral psychology. This procedure has seen a backlash even in Western countries themselves in the form of radical Christianity. Ironically though this branch of religion despises Islam and the jihadis, it seeks to achieve incredibly similar goals.Every time a pastor in some midwestern state pushes for the inscription of the Hebrew commandments in fron t of court-houses, as a species, we take a collective step backwards into the Middle Ages where people believed in a fixed set of dogmas that seemed more interested in who they worshipped than in how they behaved. Similarly with the feminist movements, with the objectives of terrorism being so inherently misogynistic, we risk living in a world where women don't have the civil liberties we spent a good couple of centuries achieving.Though things in the past were straightforward and idealistic, they were also horrendously underdeveloped in modern concepts of liberty, freedom, thought, science and society. Reverting back to those circumstances involves necessarily having to deal with all its downfalls as well as the clarity of ethics it provides. We do not get to cherry-pick which part of the Middle Ages we'd like to being with us into this century as the terrorists have made amply clear.We will need to accept the oppression of women, religious minorities, homosexuals, transgenders and scientific thought as though we were actually living in the 16th century. This regression must be avoided at all costs. â€Å"Thus we come back to the essence of all religion–in other words, to the disparagement of humanity for the greater glory of divinity. (God & the State, 37)† With this statement Bakunin sums up the thrust of the religious terrorist movements around the world. They seek to avenge a perceived disrespect of a divine being and are willing to kill for it.Though they wouldn't do so spontaneously, this hatred ad murderous instinct has to be carefully cultivated from childhood by mullahs and other authoritative sources. These children then become people who are capable of leveling entire buildings for the glory of God whose existence they cannot be sure of and an afterlife they might never get to experience. Such is the power of, â€Å"collective insanity,† that drives a movement like this. (God & the State, 68) Since the 200,000 years we've exist ed, we've spent quite a lot of it questioning, developing and doubting.Attempts to prevent this are shameful in that they send us hurtling back hundreds of years to less enlightened times of dogma and religious persecution. We've outgrown the juvenile need for extremely strict religious guidance and have as a society agreed upon a set of common sense laws that don't vary significantly across national borders. We've developed social sciences to deal with the moral vacuum left after the removal of dogmas and are can deal with them without resorting to driving airplanes into skyscrapers.The existence of terrorism proves that for every collective step forward we take, there are elements that will be rendered irrelevant and have thus felt the need to make the loudest clamor possible. Though we cannot obviously devise a straightforward solution to a complex and varying problem, we can however seek to understand it. Bibliography Bakunin, Mikhail, â€Å"God and the State. † Dover Pub lications, Inc. , New York. 1970 Bakunin, Mikhail, â€Å"On Violence-letter to S Nechayev. † New York: Unity Press, [19–]

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

affimative action essays

affimative action essays The Controversy of Affirmative Action Is affirmative action the right and fair way of dealing with differences in opportunity and education in a societys population? Everyone has their own opinion of affirmative action and the results it manifests. One who does believe affirmative action is a fair policy would react in a way like this, Todays opponents of affirmative action decry its practice of gender and minority group preferences and call for a return to the color-blind and merit-based policies of the past (Raskin 22). On the other hand, those who do not believe that affirmative action is fair and brings out the best in the world would believe so: Affirmative action is simply another name for racial preferences. As a policy, it affronts the most treasured American values-those of fairness and individualism (Puddington70). Affirmative action may be an unfair way of dealing with differences and may cause certain parts of a societys population to be denied access. There are many different types of affirmative action in a discriminatory way, including: age, disability, gender, nationality, race/ethnicity and religion. President Lyndon Johnson signed an executive order requiring federal contractors to undertake affirmative action to increase the number of minorities employed. President Nixon added to this order by declaring affirmative action programs should include women. Another very important time in the history of the United States was when Governor Pete Wilson of California filed suit against many state agencies and commissions overseen by his office and against minority and women professional and civil rights groups challenging the affirmative action program in the state of California. Statistics reveal that white males continue to monopolize high status position in society, proving that discrimination continues to persist and that affirmative action is warra...

Monday, October 21, 2019

HRM practices worlwide Essays

HRM practices worlwide Essays HRM practices worlwide Essay HRM practices worlwide Essay Building the National HR Competency Model: The four pillars of Professionalism By Marius Meyer, CEO: SA Board for People Practices (SABPP) Last month we introduced you to the new national HR Competency Model of the SA Board for People Practices (SABPP). As the HR standards-setting and professional body for HR, the aim of the model is to set a national standard for HR competence, and to provide HR professionals with a common framework for developing the required competencies in meeting the national standard. The model recognises that HR professionals are at different levels, specialisations and stages in their careers, et a common framework is intended to provide focus, consistency and development opportunities. SA Board for People Practices www. sabpp. co. za The competency model consists of three broad competence areas: 1 . The four pillars of professionalism form the square shape of the house as the foundation for professional HR practice. 2. Five core competencies needed by HR professionals to do high quality HR work constitute the building blocks. 3. Five HR capabilities required to ensure strategic HR impact form the roof. In this article we focus on the pillars of professionalism, i. e. duty to society, ethics, rofessionalism, as well as HR and Business knowledge. The central argument is that for HR to have an impact at the strategic and governance levels of organisations, we first need to get the basics right, not only to be regarded as true professionals, but also to develop our competence at the basic entry level where any profession gains stature and credibility, as the foundation of competence in any profession. PILLARS OF HR PROFESSIONALISM Drawing on the doctoral study by Penny Abbott at the University of Johannesburg, and masters dissertation of Huma van Rensburg at the University of Pretoria, but eworked as part of the new national HR competency model, the four pillars of HR professionalism form the foundation of the HR Competency Model: 2 Duty to society: Penny Abbott highlighted the socio-economic role of HR in society. HR professionals have a duty to society in delivering high quality HR work that has an impact on society. As professionals it is our duty to ensure that employers comply with labour and other relevant legislation and codes of good practice. We also need to be the custodians for good people practices in organisations, and ensure that people are treated fairly, and with respect and dignity. Furthermore, HR competence in driving effective transformation, skills development, sustainability and BBBEE interventions contributes significantly in fulfilling our duty to society. In addition, meeting or exceeding international labour standards such as the guidelines of the International Labor Organization epitomises our commitment and duty to society. On the negative side, but consistent with the standards and approaches used by other professional bodies, SABPP needs to ensure that registered HR professionals who do not meet professional and ethical standards are scrapped from the HR register of rofessionals. In this way, we fulfill our duty to society by protecting society (employees, employers and broader society) against unprofessional and unethical practitioners. Ethics: HR professionals should contribute to ethics in organisations and drive ethics in accordance with the SABPP Ethical Code and HR Guide on Ethics. Hence, competence in the area of ethics enables HR professionals to support management teams in meeting the ethical requirements of the King Ill Code on Governance for South Africa, as well as the requirements of the Companies Act. On he one hand, we need to behave ethically as HR professionals and meet our own national professional code of ethics irrespective of where we do HR work. On the other hand, HR professionals have to play a proactive role in driving ethics and values within their organisations in accordance with the espoused values and principles of their companies. Thus, HR professionals become champions of ethics, integrity and honesty in the workplace. The real test of HR competence in the area of ethics is whether we can challenge and influence management in creating an ethical alues-driven organisational culture. Professionalism: HR professionals should manage themselves professionally in acting and behaving like true professionals in the standard of HR work they deliver. Competence as a professional constitutes two areas of competency, i. e. etting the basics of professionalism right, and secondly to provide professional approaches to HR problems and issues in the workplace. The ability to analyse problems in a professional and systematic way, and to deliver professionalism is all about. The basics of professionalism are to get the few ssential professional work skills right, for example doing your homework about an issue, preparing a high quality professional report or presentation, and providing appropriate feedback and measurements abou t the solutions implemented. HR and Business knowledge: HR professionals must have good HR and sound business knowledge if they want to be successful as professionals and strategic partners. HR professionals need sound HR knowledge of all aspects of HR, from HR planning and recruitment, right through to exit strategies. While functional experts such as organisation development or remuneration specialists require in-depth nowledge of their specialist areas, all HR generalists need to have sound knowledge of all HR functions in order to deliver integrated HR solutions. In 3 addition to HR knowledge, HR professionals must possess business knowledge to ensure alignment between HR work and the needs of the business. Therefore, the importance of sound business acumen to enable and compliment the execution of professional HR work can not be over-emphasised. CONCLUSION The new SABPP HR Competency model sets the benchmark for HR professionalism in the modern South African work environment. Considering the four pillars outlined in this article, one could say that our duty to society forms the foundation of the HR competency house. In essence, our duty to society compels us to answer the question: What difference do we make as HR professionals to our organisations and the society in which we operate? Ethics and professionalism are the walls. If the foundation and walls are not strong, the house will fall down. Furthermore, HR and business knowledge is the ceiling of the house, thus acquiring sound HR and business knowledge opens up opportunities for HR professionals to move to the trategic level of the HR house, i. e. the roof. Ultimately, all professions are guided by similar pillars, although the context differs from profession to profession. Building the HR profession on a strong foundation and grounded in the four pillars, HR professional competence does not only resolve around the need for getting its own house in order, it also positions HR at a comparable level of competence to other professions. However, our credibility as HR professionals will depend on our ability to continuously develop our competence in the four pillars of the HR profession in order o raise to the level of excellence expected from our stakeholders. Acknowledgements: SABPP acknowledges the masters dissertation of Huma van Rensburg completed at Johannesburg as the conceptual background to this article. We thank Alan Hosking for publishing the model in the countrys top HR magazine, HR Future. For more information about HR Future, go to www. hrfuture. net and for more information about SABPP, visit www. sabpp. co. za Comments about the new HR Competency model are very welcome and will be used for further refinement and development, please send your views to [emailprotected] co. za. 4

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Macbeth Themes

William Shakespeare’s play â€Å"Macbeth† exposes many evil explicit themes. First, The theme of temptation is an apparent theme. The witches create temptation by giving Macbeth the prophecies. At first Macbeth acknowledges that killing the king would create â€Å"deep damnation.† However, Macbeth succumbs to temptation when Lady Macbeth calls him a â€Å"coward in thine own esteem.† Next, Deceit is a major theme throughout the play. Macbeth trys to hide the murder of the king by wearing a â€Å"false face†. His vindictive plan is to â€Å"mock the time† and fool the noblemen of his evil doings. Macbeth also deceives Banquo by lying to him about not thinking of the evil witches prophecies. â€Å"Macbeth† displays many evil themes in the entirety of the play. Macbeth owns many tragic character flaws which lead to his death. First, the ambition that Macbeth bestows is deadly. During Macbeth’s ambitious journey he commits many sinful mistakes. However, even living with the guilt he couldn’t â€Å" wash from (his) hands†, he still pursues the throne. The ambitious nature of Macbeth was never satisfied. He wished to â€Å"died an hour before this chance† to become king. Next, being unfaithful to the Christian religion is a significant flaw of Macbeth. Several times Macbeth sins and â€Å"celebrates Pale Hectate’s offering† in killing Duncan. Also, Macbeth loses hope and says life â€Å"is a tale told by an idiot.† The many flaws of Macbeth lead to his downfall. In many ways my life is similar to Macbeth’s. First, my life is full of temptation. It seems like everywhere I look there is temptation. Like Macbeth I wish God wasn’t looking sometimes but then I realize that â€Å"we still have judgment here.† Next, to get what I want I have became deceitful. I have worn a mask to escape the bad consequences as Macbeth did to protect throne. I showed an â€Å"unfelt sorrow† towards my mother wh... Free Essays on Macbeth Themes Free Essays on Macbeth Themes The story of Macbeth is portrayed by Shakespeare as evil’s operation in the world in Elizabethan times, but still has its place in todays life. Shakespeare accomplishes this by using a powerful and unsuspecting character such as Macbeth, maybe any one of us, a good leader, strong willed and a person that is looked upon. The audience sees how evil, tempts Macbeth, just as evil tempts everyone of us everyday. Furthermore the use of messages addressing to or addressed by, how evil Macbeth is. The Evil inside Macbeth is quite evident; for he commits several murders. Finally, there are certain analogies, which suggest that Macbeth is comparable to Satan. In this essay I will show you how the play of Macbeth is actually a study of evil and how Macbeth the man represents that evil Shakespeare intended on using a hero of good deeds such as Macbeth, as his figure. He is seen as a good advocate of Satan’s evil conduct: for an evil person is one you least expect. Macbeth starts off as a humble man and a savior of his native land Scotland After returning from a heroic victory, Ross, a noble Thane, describes what a significant officer Macbeth is for his kingdom: "The king hath happily received, Macbeth, The news of thy success; and when he reads Thy personal venture in the rebel’s fight, His wonders and his praises do contend Which should be thine or his. Silenced with that, In viewing o’er the rest o’th’ selfsame day, He finds thee in the stout Norwegian ranks, Nothing afeard of what thyself didst make, Strange images of death. As thick as hail Came post with post, and every one did bear Thy praises in his kingdom’s great defense, And poured then down before him." [I.iii.89-99]. Macbeth, like any other man, had succumbed to some form of temptation. Shakespeare utilizes him as a model, to show how no matter how strong you may be; even the strongest man can be taken in by evil. Macbeth came across three wi... Free Essays on Macbeth Themes William Shakespeare’s play â€Å"Macbeth† exposes many evil explicit themes. First, The theme of temptation is an apparent theme. The witches create temptation by giving Macbeth the prophecies. At first Macbeth acknowledges that killing the king would create â€Å"deep damnation.† However, Macbeth succumbs to temptation when Lady Macbeth calls him a â€Å"coward in thine own esteem.† Next, Deceit is a major theme throughout the play. Macbeth trys to hide the murder of the king by wearing a â€Å"false face†. His vindictive plan is to â€Å"mock the time† and fool the noblemen of his evil doings. Macbeth also deceives Banquo by lying to him about not thinking of the evil witches prophecies. â€Å"Macbeth† displays many evil themes in the entirety of the play. Macbeth owns many tragic character flaws which lead to his death. First, the ambition that Macbeth bestows is deadly. During Macbeth’s ambitious journey he commits many sinful mistakes. However, even living with the guilt he couldn’t â€Å" wash from (his) hands†, he still pursues the throne. The ambitious nature of Macbeth was never satisfied. He wished to â€Å"died an hour before this chance† to become king. Next, being unfaithful to the Christian religion is a significant flaw of Macbeth. Several times Macbeth sins and â€Å"celebrates Pale Hectate’s offering† in killing Duncan. Also, Macbeth loses hope and says life â€Å"is a tale told by an idiot.† The many flaws of Macbeth lead to his downfall. In many ways my life is similar to Macbeth’s. First, my life is full of temptation. It seems like everywhere I look there is temptation. Like Macbeth I wish God wasn’t looking sometimes but then I realize that â€Å"we still have judgment here.† Next, to get what I want I have became deceitful. I have worn a mask to escape the bad consequences as Macbeth did to protect throne. I showed an â€Å"unfelt sorrow† towards my mother wh...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Dear COMM 107 Letter and Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dear COMM 107 Letter and Response - Essay Example Third, she mentioned that she met a co-worker who is an extrovert like her and who brings her to fun places. She stressed that they do not have romantic relations, and that she continues to love her boyfriend. She found her platonic relationship with her co-worker as a win-win situation because she could satisfy her extrovert needs without losing her loved one. Fifth, she stated that she and her boyfriend are having more arguments because he is jealous of her male friend. The paper assumes that the couple wants to preserve their relationship. The main problem is the rise of differentiating practices during the integrating stage of their relationship, while the resolution is to apply several relational maintenance strategies to continue integrating as a couple without losing individual autonomy and identity. Knapp’s Staircase Model of Relational Development (the Model) can help analyze the concepts operating in the woman’s romantic relationship issue because it captures the stages of coming together and coming apart that are appearing in her relationship. The Model asserts that communication is fundamental to developing and maintaining relationships (Guerrero, Andersen, & Afifi, 2014, p. 115; McCornack, 2013, p. 293). It also uses the staircase as a metaphor for a relationship, wherein the coming-together stages refer to movements upward a staircase, while the coming-apart stages pertain to movement downwards it (McCornack, 2013, p. 293). The five stages of coming together are initiating, experimenting, intensifying, integrating, and bonding, while the five stages of coming apart are differentiating, circumscribing, stagnating, avoiding, and terminating. At present, the woman’s relationship overlaps the integrating and differentiating stages. The woman’s romantic relationship is in the integrating stage because she and her boyfriend see themselves as a couple and practice self-disclosure. They present themselves to the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Database and Data Warehousing Design Assignment

Database and Data Warehousing Design - Assignment Example The functional systems, for example marketing, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and so on, supply data the warehouse and making use of Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) approach the data is retrieved from the data warehouse (Rizzi, Abello, Lectenborger and Trujilo, 2006). Since the firm under discussion is concerned with a large volume of data to be considered for evaluation, for that reason, the data warehouse is suggested for execution by the company. The data warehouse would bring about the company not just in its business, but in addition delivers many different added benefits to the company. A few of the factors that motivate the execution of the data warehouse in the firm involve: the data warehouse in a position to cope with massive data, it generates reports instantly, accordingly. Saves time, it offers premium quality data and presents increased business intelligence. Nevertheless, the benefits are invariably linked to down sides, the risks of the data warehouse embody: investing time in extracting, clearing and uploading data, developing high upkeep system, and resource optimization. Keeping in mind the drawbacks of the data warehouse, there are particular rules and best procedures which the business has to stick to these while employing the data warehouse. Some of the most effective tactics that the organization ought to comply with incorporate: investing proper time in accumulating needs and style, building prototypes, correct usage of the centralized and in depth data, building data credibility checks and supply of correct training to the clients. Since the database of the firm is substantial, for that reason, the company must not deem building the relational data warehouse. On the other hand, the company is suggested to make use of the index partitioning and tables. It is advisable that the organization must comply with these best procedures to put into practice

Artical Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Artical - Article Example Individuals not familiar with the search engines might feel more comfortable by going to one place for information. In the end, the researchers proved five out of seven hypotheses. There were several flaws to this article. The first is the low amount of participants in the study. The second was the variety of the participants. All of the users of Second Life were already familiar and at ease with computers. The hypotheses put forth by the researchers could be biased the type of participants chosen for the study. A better selection of age, job occupation, computer skills, and other gender might have disproved some of the hypotheses. Until this range of participants is widen, the true value of Second Life might remain unknown. The last critique is also negative. When researching Second Life, the researchers did not consider the avatars made in Second Life might not be realistic. If an individual in the fasion business New York is dealing with an auction house in Paris, they might want to reduce their weight or make themselves more attractive. Also the laws governing cyberspace are slow to catch up with real live laws. Deceptive advertising or business practice would be hard to prosecute. Avatars should never replace human interaction. Second Life is operated in many countries. It would be impossible to enforce any law on this group. These subjects should be addressed in further

Perspectives on Caring About Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Perspectives on Caring About Animals - Essay Example Third, the book explains the human-animal bond (Davis 29).   The book explains that having pets generates a healthy environment. By having pets, the elderly person can be preoccupied with an activity that keeping boredom out of the home.  Ã‚   The book also shows the important of giving space to the animals to do their thing. Doing their thing includes sleeping, roaming around, feeding, self hygiene, and even mating. Impact.The book creates a great impact on my current knowledge about pet care (Davis 57). The book adds significant knowledge to my daily preparation pet nutrition. The book enumerates the vitamin and mineral requirements of my favorite pet dog. My application of the book’s food discussion has generated big results. My pet dog had metamorphosed from a lazy sleepy dog to a more active and playful ball retriever. Whenever I play catch the ball game, my pet dog runs faster, higher, and whoops (dog sound) more excitedly. The nutrition part of the book has allowed my pet dog to have more playing time. After feeding my dog the necessary vitamin and other energy-boosting food requirements, my pet dog’s energy  Ã‚   has quadrupled. Research Perspectives.     The book greatly contributes to my research perspectives (Davis 29). The book adds to my current knowledge about pet care. The book rejects many of the traditional ways of caring for animals. Many of the traditional ways are not medically approved by the authorized pet care authority, Medical Veterinarian.   The book discusses the social values about pets (Davis 137).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

'The regulation of enzyme activity is the most most important and Essay

'The regulation of enzyme activity is the most most important and fundamental control for a cell'-Discuss - Essay Example A cell on the other side is the smallest fundamental unit of life (Alberts 79). Within the cell are the cell organelles that are charged with specific roles in driving physiological processes of the body. Most of the physiological processes that take place in the body are initiated at the cellular level, at the same time; the cell operation is linked with the enzymes activity. An example is the process of gene expression in the body. Gene expression is the sequential transformation of a trait from the molecular level to phonotypical stage. It usually starts with the replication of the DNA (deoxyribonucleic Acid) (Hill 84). The replication of the DNA is enzyme catalyzed and the process continues to the transcription of the DNA to RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) which then gives the amino acid and is finally translated to proteins that manifests themselves phenotypically (Alberts 102). In the sequence of gene expression, the cell is charged with the responsi679114bility of determining what enzymes are to be produced and in what quantity. It is the responsibility of the cell to determine what enzyme is required in the body depending on the type of substrate that is present in the body. The situation shows how intimate the two work in enabling the body physiological processes to proceed without a halt. The alternative synthesis and degradation of the enzymes is referred to as the turnover number, this turnover number is dependant on the need of the enzymes in the cell and is regulated by the cell (Hill 166). Increasing the amount of the enzymes in the cell can be done by the cell in two way; elevating the synthesis rate of the enzymes or by slowing the rate of the enzyme degradation. The cell in this case has the role to regulate the enzyme content in it which is a stringent exercise owing to the fact that there are millions of enzymes in the body each effecting a unique role probably at the same time and has to be

A literature review on electromagnetic transponders in prostate cancer

A on electromagnetic transponders in prostate cancer treatment - Literature review Example The present research particularly involved reviewing a number of recent publications including journals, books, articles, magazines and databases related to the use of electromagnetic transponders in cancer treatment. Electromagnetic Transponder is an emerging high tech system that is increasingly being used to track the movement of prostate glands particularly during external beam radiation therapy. The technique particularly involves implanting three tiny electromagnetic transponders into a patient’s prostate gland in order to enhance the delivery of post- prostatectomy radiation therapy by providing real time tracking required to ensure accurate treatment of prostate cancer through radiation therapy (Kindblom et al., 2009). According to many experts, the technique is particularly preferred for the post-surgical radiation therapy for prostate cancer because it significantly allows for enhanced localization of the specific targeted area thereby allowing for the delivery of maximum radiation dose while at the same time minimizing the exposure of the patients surrounding non-targeted normal tissues to radiation (Foster, Pistenmaa and Solberg, 2012, p.2924). The present literature paper particularly focused on a comprehensive review of relevant recent publications such as journals, books, articles, magazines, databases and other professional manuscripts related to the theory, practice and use of electromagnetic transponders in cancer treatment. Finally, the findings of the literature review were then analyzed and clustered based on the key major themes namely the oncologic and functional outcomes of electromagnetic transponders, placement of electromagnetic transponders in prostate cancer treatment as well as the challenges related to the use of electromagnetic transponders in the prostate cancer treatment. For the last 15 years, development of electromagnetic

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Perspectives on Caring About Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Perspectives on Caring About Animals - Essay Example Third, the book explains the human-animal bond (Davis 29).   The book explains that having pets generates a healthy environment. By having pets, the elderly person can be preoccupied with an activity that keeping boredom out of the home.  Ã‚   The book also shows the important of giving space to the animals to do their thing. Doing their thing includes sleeping, roaming around, feeding, self hygiene, and even mating. Impact.The book creates a great impact on my current knowledge about pet care (Davis 57). The book adds significant knowledge to my daily preparation pet nutrition. The book enumerates the vitamin and mineral requirements of my favorite pet dog. My application of the book’s food discussion has generated big results. My pet dog had metamorphosed from a lazy sleepy dog to a more active and playful ball retriever. Whenever I play catch the ball game, my pet dog runs faster, higher, and whoops (dog sound) more excitedly. The nutrition part of the book has allowed my pet dog to have more playing time. After feeding my dog the necessary vitamin and other energy-boosting food requirements, my pet dog’s energy  Ã‚   has quadrupled. Research Perspectives.     The book greatly contributes to my research perspectives (Davis 29). The book adds to my current knowledge about pet care. The book rejects many of the traditional ways of caring for animals. Many of the traditional ways are not medically approved by the authorized pet care authority, Medical Veterinarian.   The book discusses the social values about pets (Davis 137).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A literature review on electromagnetic transponders in prostate cancer

A on electromagnetic transponders in prostate cancer treatment - Literature review Example The present research particularly involved reviewing a number of recent publications including journals, books, articles, magazines and databases related to the use of electromagnetic transponders in cancer treatment. Electromagnetic Transponder is an emerging high tech system that is increasingly being used to track the movement of prostate glands particularly during external beam radiation therapy. The technique particularly involves implanting three tiny electromagnetic transponders into a patient’s prostate gland in order to enhance the delivery of post- prostatectomy radiation therapy by providing real time tracking required to ensure accurate treatment of prostate cancer through radiation therapy (Kindblom et al., 2009). According to many experts, the technique is particularly preferred for the post-surgical radiation therapy for prostate cancer because it significantly allows for enhanced localization of the specific targeted area thereby allowing for the delivery of maximum radiation dose while at the same time minimizing the exposure of the patients surrounding non-targeted normal tissues to radiation (Foster, Pistenmaa and Solberg, 2012, p.2924). The present literature paper particularly focused on a comprehensive review of relevant recent publications such as journals, books, articles, magazines, databases and other professional manuscripts related to the theory, practice and use of electromagnetic transponders in cancer treatment. Finally, the findings of the literature review were then analyzed and clustered based on the key major themes namely the oncologic and functional outcomes of electromagnetic transponders, placement of electromagnetic transponders in prostate cancer treatment as well as the challenges related to the use of electromagnetic transponders in the prostate cancer treatment. For the last 15 years, development of electromagnetic

Psychological theory of development phase Essay Example for Free

Psychological theory of development phase Essay Juniad is ten, he is currently experiencing constant developmental phase through his life experience, the nature of his current developed behavior problems are: aggressiveness, defiantness, disobedient and incompetence in class activities. His challenges are reading disorder, school insufficient resources, failure, bullying and dysfunctional parenting. Using the Erik Erikson psychological theory of developmental phase I will be looking at Junaid’s current developmental stage, and I will also be analyzing the factors playing a role in junaid’s developmental stage and also how efficient he will be able to handle the current crisis he is experiencing. Furthermore I will be suggesting options available to facilitate a successful resolution of Junaid’s current developmental stage bolstering his chances of exiting this stage with confidence and competence. With the Erik Erikson psychological theory of development phase Juniad is currently in Industry vs Inferiority. Junaid is ten this stage begins at the age of 6 to puberty, the challenge is mastering of certain basic skills required for success in adult life while avoiding feelings of inferiority. In this stage children develops ability to work with others, success becomes very important to the child the Synthesis when this psychological crisis is resolved successfully. Children develop a sense of competency at useful skills and tasks. More and new demands are imposed upon children and children in turn are generally ready to meet these demands. The danger at this stage, is, inferiority this is reflected in sad pessimism of children who have little have little confidence in their ability to do things well. This sense of inadequacy may develop when parental attitudes are negative towards the child’s developing competency, when family life has not prepared children for school life or when experiences with teachers and peers are so negative that they destroy children’s feeling of competence and mastery (Louw Louw, 2007). Junaid is not successfully resolving the crisis faced by him, because factors like reading disorder, school insufficient resources, failure, bullyi ng and dysfunctional parenting are challenges that are interfering with his current stage in Erikson’s psychological theory of development. All this factors leads to his developed behaviour problems of aggressiveness, defiantness, disobedient and incompetence in class activities; this is an interpretation that he couldn’t acquire the basic  skills in life for the next developmental stage, his incompetence around this areas lead to behavioral problems, because this is the best way he knows how through his life experiences and the factors around him. Problems like aggressiveness looking into Instrumental aggression; it refers to aggression as a means to an end (Louw Louw, 2007). Junaid could be aggressive just to pass a message to the parent or the social environment, that is emotional needs are not meet. According to Louw and Louw (2007) Erikson’s basic trust vs. mistrust; from Basic trust infants develops the necessary self-confidence, mistrusting infants are usually subjected to erratic or harsh care and cannot depend on the goodness and compassion of others. They therefore tend to protect themselves by withdrawing from others around them and it is carried into later relationship. Juaid lacks self-confidence in himself and his abilities, his non-participation in class activities shows he is unable to meet up with the teacher’s expectation. Looking into self-confidence in terms of Erik’s basic trust vs mistrust, it is necessary to develop self-confidence this only shows that Junaid’s was subjected to harsh care and he is trying to protect himself from his parents’ behaviour towards him and the social environment. He feels there is no goodness or compassion and these basic mistrust issues can also be added with the crisis he faces in his current live as he lacks self- confidence in everything he does. Children developmental stages is a process that still relies on pass encounters or experience to predict or understand present behaviour. Children development is a continues process, the behavior of every individual’s is unique, children generally have these unique way in which they cognitively and emotionally interpret and proces s their experiences this plays a significant influence on their development. Looking into developmental areas; aggressiveness, defiantness, disobedient and incompetent with class activities are all related to â€Å"social development â€Å" It is the development of an individual’s interaction and relationships with other people. Furthermore it also refers to the influence of society and significant other persons on the individuals, one importance aspect of social development is â€Å"moral development† (Louw Louw, 2007). Being aggressive, defiant, disobedient and incompetent with class activities shows there is also a problem in the moral development. Going back into social development, society and significant other person’s plays an important role  in the individual’s life. Some of Juniad’s challenges like Bullying and dysfunctional parenting style, Reading disorder and failure, we could clearly see how social factors have an effect on his current developed behavior problems. Bullying it is destructive form of peer interaction in which children become frequent targets of verbal and physical attacks or other forms of abuse (Louw Louw, 2007). Bullying has influence on the child’s psychical, emotional, social and educational wellbeing. Reading disorder which leads to failure can be associated as a result of bullying since Juan’s first grade. Parent and educators have an important role to play in eradicating bullying. Dysfunctional parenting style and aggression, social factors of aggressive behavior parents play a vital role in their children’s aggressive behavior, the type of nurturance a child receives and the disciplinary strategies that parents follow. Children whose parents are cold, negative, hostile and rejecting towards them tend to be more aggressive. Parents negative behavior may cause frustration in the children because their emotional needs are not being meet; they react with aggressive behaviour (Louw Louw, 2007). Juniad’s father wants him to be involved in sport. As a result of his lack of competency in sports due to physical nature his father criticized him. Recalling back to social factors of aggressive behaviour and parents, we could actually see one or more reasons why junaid is aggressive how the negative behaviour of his dad causes frustration in his life. Parents need to know children developmental phrase and the developmental stages each developmental characterizes and crisis, the opposing poles according to which individuals must orientate. The positive and negative poles of a crisis in children development and also find the necessary solution to remedy the current crisis, because the earlier stage of psychological development provide the foundation for the later stage (Louw Louw, 2007). Parents should take the development of their children seriously by acquiring the right information from the right source like local medical practitioner, psychologist. Etc. If they can’t make time they can watch related narrative videos online; on how to raise children into successful adult. Mankind has developed through ages and currentl y in the era of information technology (Elliott Jacebson 1991). Internet can be as a source for helpful information which is uploaded out there, parent can make internet research and also view helpful videos  like; About Child Development, Child Development Stages, Infant Developmental Milestones (Youtube 2014). Parent should understand what developmental miles stone stands for and what they should expect from their children at certain ages, just an insight to understand that children are fragile and they shouldn’t be forced in development. Parent should know what to expect from their children when they know more about developmental miles stones. They should be informed on things to do so they don’t hurt their child emotionally and psychically. According to UniCef South Africa (2008) parents/family have roles to play in the life of their kids, they are supporting guards giving to assist parent to know their roles and how to assist their children. Aggressive behaviour sometimes is as a result of low self-esteem treatment to improve low self-esteem emphasis on encouraging the patient to examine their beliefs and the evidence to support them and to acknowledge their positive qualities and also method to enhance self-esteem which is focused on eliciting statement about positive qualities that the patient may have and then investigating evidence to support these positive statements. (Pauline Nicholas 2003). People with low self-esteem need positive activities to strengthen the already positive form of action helping them to get through their behavioral problems. They need to realize well power. Phonologically driven instructional Treatment can be of help with patient suffering from dyslexia, a phonological driven instructional treatment has to do with motivation of the patients with general phenomenon that they engage in or interact with that makes them happy like stories, cartoons, depending on the age of the patients and what generally appease or interest them. Understanding dyslexia involves a lot of combinations like, the current patient’s situation with the characters of the stories or the cartoons or the hero, making them understand they can be more. This encourages or convinces dyslexia patient that despite a slow start in learning to read, they could finish the race as skilled readers. The using of a systems approach in which instruction will be aimed at all levels of lan guage (subword, word, and text). Create instructional session, where by each session begins with a sound games to remediate the deficits in phonologic processing. Present polysyllabic words from texts present them orally, allow Junaid to count the number of syllables in the spoken word and use colored counters to represent each phoneme in the syllables. Only after  he analyzed the phonologic structure of each word will he see the same words in written form. Teach him how to decode the words by using syllabic patterns of written english and correspondences between one and two-letter spelling units and phonemes. Be Patient give him more time in analyzing and utilizing the complexity of syllabic patterns and spelling-phoneme of English. Present reading materials for reading then, enlighten Junaid more about the brain and functions of the brain. Repeat treatment from time to time. Phonologically driven treatment suggests that the brain is not only an independent variable that can cause a language disorder, such as dyslexia, but is also a dependent variable that can be modified by instructional intervention from the environment (Richards Corinaa Serafinia Steurya, Echelarda Dagera Berningera 2000). In conclusion: A child development is a gradual process, social factors plays an important role in children’s development. It is important to note that developmental stages in children are important, unsuccessful developmental stage can be a problem in the next stage of development creating behavioral problems. Parents should understand children behaviour is unique, in a sense that pass experience creates present situation in behaviour. Parents should lookup data in this technology era that will assist them in raising their children. Aggressive behaviour or other unable acceptable social behaviour is mostly driving by unmeet emotional needs. Dyslexia patient sometimes end up using â€Å"drugs† one of the most common results of the limitation is the response of aggression (Hall Tarrier 2003). It is important remedy behavioral problems in time. Reference List.Elliott, R. K., Jacebson, P. D. (1991). ACCOUNTING A NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Journal of Accountancy, 55. Chicago Hall, P. L., Tarrier, N. (2003). The cognitive-behavioural treatment of low self-esteem in psychotic patients: a pilot study. Behaviour research and therapy, 41(3), 317-332. Chicago Louw, D., Louw, A. (2007). Child and adolescent development. South Africa. Richards, T. L., Corina, D., Serafini, S., Steury, K., Echelard, D. R., Dager, S. R., Berninger, V. W. (2000). Effects of a phonologically driven treatment for dyslexia on lactate levels measured by proton MR spectroscopic imaging. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 21(5), 916-922. Unicef South Africa. (2008). Nation Building From The Start Early Childhood Development. Unicef, August 26. [On-line].Available: (2014). Child Development Stages. Child development, August 26. [On-line]. Available: (2014). Infant Developmental Milestones [UndergroundMed]. UndergroudMed, August 26. [On-line]. Available: (2014). About Child Development. Child development, August 26. [On-line]. Available:

Monday, October 14, 2019

Clinical experience

Clinical experience Describe an example of communication from your recent clinical experience and discuss the factors that contributed to its outcome â€Å"Most people have felt anger and helplessness at not being listened to when saying something important. Also the intense frustration of being misunderstood† Ellis, RB. (2003). Defining Communication. In: Ellis, RB, Gates, B, Kenworthy, NInterpersonal Communication in Nursing. 2nd ed. London: Churchill Livingstone. p3. All names in this text have been changed, to respect the confidentiality of the patient and other healthcare professionals (NMC 2002). I have recently been on 7 week placement in a nursing home for the elderly. It was a residential home but also had a small dementia unit in which patients with mental health problems were taken care of. This experience has taught me that communicating with elderly patients with dementia can be extremely difficult due to their loss of memory, language skills, lack of attention and general disorientation. In certain circumstances although the patients indicated that they wanted my attention I found it hard to understand what they wanted due to these communication barriers. In my essay I begin by outlining what dementia is, what communication is and how important verbal and non verbal communication is to sufferers of dementia. Currently in the UK it is estimated that 700,000 people are suffering from dementia (BBC statistics) Dementia is a condition that is connected with an ongoing declineof the brain and itsabilities. It is generally caused by damage to the structure of the brain and is most common in people over the age of 65. Thinking, language, memory, understanding, and judgement are all affected in someone who has Dementia. Sufferers may also have problems in controlling their emotions andbehaviour when in social situations. Due to this their personalities may appear to change. There are 4 kinds of dementia. Alzheimers disease, Vascular dementia, Dementia with Lewy bodies and Front or temporal dementia. These 4 kinds were all present in patients in the dementia unit, where I spent 7 weeks; however I will be concentrating on Alzheimers. Communication is commonly defined as the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs. Although there is such a thing as one-way communication, communication is normally a two-way process in which there is an exchange and progression of thoughts, feelings or ideas towards a mutually accepted goal or understanding. Communication is a process whereby information is imparted by a sender to a receiver via some medium. The receiver then decodes the message and gives the sender a feedback. All forms of communication require a sender, a message, and a receiver. Therefore communication requires a common medium. There are auditory means, such as speech, song, and tone of voice, and there are nonverbal means, such as body language, sign language, touch, eye contact, and writing. (Unknown Author (2000).Communication.Available: . Last accessed 2 Jan 2010) All forms of communication verbal and non are used by a healthcare worker. With dementia sufferers, good non verbal communication is essential. (Argyle, 1978) believes that non verbal communication can have five times as much effect on a persons understanding of a message compared to the verbal communication at the time. Chomsky calls the act of speech (verbal communication) ‘performance and the knowledge of the language ‘competence. People perform the complexity of speech daily but have no real knowledge of why or how they came to be able to. Speech allows us to hold conversations, ask question, give instructions, hide the truth, build routines and most importantly talk about interactions in which we are involved (Argyle, 1978). Berlo has produced the following model of communication. It is stated below, taken from Berlo, D.K ( 1960) The Process of Communication: an introduction to the theory and practice. New York. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Berlo believed that the most valuable tool for successful communication is in the relationship between the communicator, known as the Encoder or Source, and the listener, known as the Receiver or Decoder. He believed that common factors must exist between the encoder and decoder for successful communication to occur; as well as an agreed format of communication, known as a Channel. Berlos SMCR model describes the communication process into four components: Source, Message, Channel and Reciever. Berlo states that the source and receiver must share the same set of fundamentals in order to have successful communication. He argues that the way people communicate relate to their position within the socio†cultural system whether they are educated or non†educated, wealthy or poor. He claims that it is these factors that affect both Source and Receiver and in turn, affect the communication process. Both Source and Receiver have to possess the following elements: Communication skills: Both Source and Receiver have to use the same language or code in order to converse. They also have to share the same usage of signs, words and imagery. Berlo states that there are five verbal communication skills that fall under this category. The first four are taken from the Shannon†Weaver model; two encoding skills being speaking and writing and two decoding skills listening and reading. The fifth skill is the most crucial as it relates to thought and reasoning. Take for instance a highly skilled linguist who is fluent in numerous languages. As the linguist travels abroad, he succeeds in speaking and communicating with the natives of the country but fails to comprehend the codes of etiquette or gestures. In doing so, the receivers opinion of the source alters whilst the source is unaware of this mishap; resulting in a changed relationship between the two. Good communication skills are extremely important for health workers. It is essential for a healthcare worker to understand a patients needs and individual requirements in order to ensure best care and patient well being and to ensure that the patient feels respected, valued and is treated with dignity. All of these considerations contribute to patient care. If a patient cannot be understood properly it is very hard to give appropriate care. If there is good communication between a patient and healthcare worker, it will also ease the patients anxiety. Research has shown that patients are at risk of high levels of anxiety and frustration if communicative attempts are unsuccessful. (Finkee, Erin HMS 2008). Communication helps the carer and patient get to know each other better, it helps them to bond which usually results in the patient feeling able to express what makes them happy or upset, what foods they like and more importantly any problems they are experiencing. A good bond can be hard to achieve with a patient with dementia as short term memory is often lacking so previous conversations can be forgotten. Approach towards patients with dementia is very important, facial expressions, tone of voice, uniform and how we present ourselves can say a lot about us and our attitude to the patient. When communicating with the elderly residents if I were to raise my voice in an aggressive way they may feel threatened and scared by me, but if I speak to them in a pleasant tone of voice the then the resident is more likely to feel at ease around me. Eye contact was very important particularly when trying to engage a disorientated patient. I could then start gaining trust and understanding between myself and the resident. When a patient has dementia they cant speak by the final stage. Closed questions are usually more effective by this stage. There are 2 types of questions, open and closed. Open questions leave the answer open to respond with a lot of information or a little. Closed questions are those that a patient has nod or shake their head to or use other body parts such as thumbs up or down. Closed questions such like Are you okay?†, Are you hungry?† allowed the patient to communicate with us without having to construct a sentence. These types of closed questions are a type of non verbal communication.(Berlos communication channel) It was often very difficult to use verbal communication with Alzheimers patients because there short term memory is limited so they quickly lost the thread of the conversation. Nevertheless it is essential to communicate with dementia sufferers in order not only to care for them but to provide comfort and reduce the fear and isolation associated with the disease. On several occasions during the placement I drew on the communication skills I had learned from caring for very young relatives such as my younger brothers. Using games and closed questions to engage them, opening discussions on items around them which were precious to them such as photos or ornaments. Allowing them to discuss the game or object. However I was careful never to push them to recall memories as this may have caused them distress especially if they could not remember such things as where they were born. (In Berlos model I was trying to ensure a common channel) Even using closed questions one sometimes had to explore further than one answer. I witnessed a female patient who was obviously agitated. When questioned she indicated that yes she would like to go to the toilet. When the duty nurse attempted to assist her she became severely distressed to the point of hysteria. Even after she had been to the toilet she remained upset. After some time it became apparent through much questioning that although she needed assistance she had not wanted it from the male duty nurse. Bearing in mind the fact that the patient was a very elderly female who may have been raised with certain attitudes to propriety this incident could have been avoided with more effective communication. (This appears to be an incompatability between the codes of te two individuals making communication impossible. The nurse understood the language of the lady in that she wanted the toilet but did understand the cose/ etiquette of her upbringing) According to Argyle (1990) in a conversation, words make up only 7% of a message; tone, tempo and syntax make up to 38% and body language makes up to 35%. Non verbal communication can be expressed by our facial movements, gaze and eye contact, gesture and body movement, body posture and body contact, use of space and time and how we dress. (Henley 1977) states that how powerful we feel in an interaction can be expressed non- verbally. Our unspoken communication can be shown through our body language. Touching patients can be an essential tool for a nurse. It can offer support and understanding, comfort and security. It adds extra meaning to the spoken word. Often a patient would simply ask me to sit or stand with them or hold their hand. Although this seemed a very simple form of care it was often very emotional for me but seemed to be of benefit to the patient. I have wondered if at such moments the patients were feeling disorientated and the simple act of someone trustworthy being close seemed to help reduce their anxiety for a short while. It was my experience that a smile when appropriate often initiated an attempt to communicate. Macleod and Clark (1991) suggest that most touch between nurses and elderly patients is related to practical procedures, fulfilling a practical rather than an emotional purpose. However i found this not to be true, as i mentioned often i patient would just want you to hold there hand for emotional comfort. Care workers are not always able to spend as much time with individual patients as they would like. This on occasion led to a mismatch between verbal and non-verbal communication. Patients got upset with care workers who although they were carrying out a helpful task looked tired or impatient possibly because of their workload but not because they didnt care. Some patients would like care workers to sit with them during meal times but this could not always be done and on occasion such patients did not eat their meal. It is well recognised that giving nurses the time to listen and be attentive assist patient well-being. Contrary to this were the occasions when patients refused to eat or drink either because they did not want to eat or drink or because they were neither hungry nor thirsty or they did not like the food or drink. These opinions were communicated non-verbally by patients refusing to open their mouth, spitting food out. The inability to explain verbally was a significant barrier to communication. Staff in turn needed to ensure that their verbal and non-verbal communication did not cause further barriers e.g. impatient tone of voice, facial expression or body language. Where patients could communicate verbally barriers still existed to ensuring full understanding especially where lack of concentration was a concern. Background noises, e.g. loud radios or televisions, people around talking as well as us, this can confuse and provide distraction patients. Turning the television down whilst having a conversation with a patient can help. Speaking clearly in a language, style or accent understood by the patient improves verbal communication. Speaking clearly and giving simple instructions also helps patients understanding but listening is by far the most important verbal communication in understanding patients needs. It is important to learn patients names and use them. This helps attract and hold patients attention and more importantly identifies them as an individual with individual needs and not simply a patient. Working in the dementia unit was very emotional. Patients were often distressed and unhappy and seldom happy. Regardless the patients were welcoming and often keen to engage on differing levels. I endeavoured to maintain a positive attitude and outward appearance, to listen and be aware of my own body language. Although I endeavoured to show empathy rather than sympathy it is impossible to really understand how terrible it must be to lose our communication skills so dramatically but most nurses make every effort to ensure maximum two way communication with patients, utilising different means of communication. A nurse can also ensure that she/he obtains a full understanding of the problems dementia sufferers face and guidance on professional best practice. The following case study from my recent clinical experience illustrates communication and the factors that contributed to its outcome. Mr. Jones was brought to the nursing home by his son. He is 88 and has suffered from dementia for a number of years but in the past year Alzheimers has progressed fairly quickly and the need for round the clock care has left his son unable to care for him. Mr Joness symptoms include major confusion, withdrawal from society, delusions and extreme mood swings, he often gets extremely angry. He needs carers for certain normal activities essential for daily living such as finding the toilet, helping him on with his clothes and generally watching over his throughout the day. Some of his needs may also be due to his age; he has problems with his mobility so needs a carer for that not just due to the Alzheimers. My mentor asked me to spend some time with Mr Jones, talking to him and trying to build up a rapport with him. The day before my mentor had given me some leaflets on the subject of dementia and Alzheimers to prepare me and give me a better understanding. When I first sat down with Mr Jones he just seemed like a ‘normal elderly gentleman of fine health for his age, however as I began speaking to him I found quickly how advanced his Alzheimers was. It was quite upsetting for me as I had never been in that situation before. Within the first 20 minutes of speaking to Mr. Jones he had asked me the same question and we had the same conversation around 5 times. I found this rather awkward as I was unsure whether to continue with the repetitive conversation or try to change the subject as I was not sure if either of these would cause Mr. Jones to become distressed. I decided to continue to listen to Mr Jones showing interest in his conversation. Eventually Mr Jones was able to extend that particular conversation little by little telling more of the story. Mr Jones mentioned to me that he was the homes Gardener. Confused by this I went to my mentor who assured me that this was a delusion he had thought was real since his son moved him into the home and to just ‘leave him to it. I was not able to speak to a dementia expert on the subject but I did wonder if this ‘delusion was an expression of a proud mans need to be independent and a provider. Perhaps it was a coping technique at the thought of being put into a home. I therefore chose to discuss gardening with Mr. Jones. I was very careful not to ask any questions about the particular gardening he did at the home for fear of causing embarrassment or confusion. During these conversations one would not have known that they were based on a delusion and Mr Jones remained calm at all times. I found that after the first week of my working there Mr Jones recognised my face, he still continued to ask me the same questions such as ‘where do you live?, ‘do you know my son? and tell me about his gardening job but he would remember by name. The outcome of listening and being attentive during our conversations had enabled Mr Jones to remember my face and in time he might have associated my name with my face. Would this have provided some sense of continuity in his life? The thing that worried me the most however was that Mr Jones would ask me when he was going to get his pay cheque. The other staff told me to tell him ‘next week. I found this shocking and an insufficient answer. I felt that if I did as the other staff told me this would just reinforce the delusion and so I when he asked me the next time I told him the truth. This however made him very distressed and upset. The NMC (2002) advises that we must not add extra stress or discomfort to a patient by our actions. I should have asked my mentor for an explanation of her advice. I have now read further on the subject of dementia and by telling him ‘next week it allowed him to stop worrying about it at that time and enabled us to change the subject to one we could communicate about or to engage in an activity such as a board game. Telling him ‘next week was using his short term memory to prevent distress. This experience has shown me that I have lack of knowledge in my communication skills; I had focussed too much on my morals and worry that I was being untruthful with him when infact perhaps reinforcing his view would have caused him less displeasure. I had not considered his other needs like his wishes or desires and I had not gathered enough personal information about him beforehand to know this maybe he liked gardening.( It would appear that we (Mr Jones the source and me the encoder were speaking the same language but were not on the same cultural channel which led to poor communication in that neither of us understood the others message) This experience was very frustrating and upsetting and highlighted the need for me to improve my communication skills and ensure better understanding of patients conditions and needs before attempting anything more than basic needs communication e.g. are you hungry? I tried not to communicate my frustration, lack of understanding and emotional distress to Mr. Jones by being attentive, asking appropriate questions and using open, non agitated body language ( promoting empathy in the form of my own body language to promote active listening (Egan 2002) until the moment he became distressed at which point I did not have the necessary communication skills to deal with the situation positively I should have allowed more time to understand what Mr. Jones was thinking and feeling by maybe asking him calm questions such as do you know where you are, how long have you been here? And perhaps he would have come to a gradual realisation by himself. I now realise that my concerns about the value of truth (truth is always the best policy) were not compatible with his care needs. when taking into account Berlos model, when one element is missing the communication fails. In the example given, the source and the receiver had a common channel but the message was interpreted differently, there was no common understanding of the message. I hope with further training i will develop a better understanding of communication. Rowe (1999) explains that a person must identify their weaknesses as an initiative for becoming self-aware. I will take all this into account when on my next placement and through the rest of my nursing career.